With the whole Thomas clan in town, we thought it would be the best opportunity to take family pictures. Surprisingly we had some success and cooperation from all the kids, me included. I have to say, my patience for this type of thing is lacking. Shayla is always pressuring me to take family pictures but I would rather get my back waxed. Was that too much information? Not that I have any hair on my back...
School has now started once again and I find myself looking forward to graduation in May. I hope that I can make it that far since I can receive a call any day now from Homeland Security assigning me my first post. Life is still hectic as I work full time, go to school full time and serve in the bishopric but I have been able to find time to start running.
Shayla got right back into running her business. She is still very excited about it and they continue to get new clients. Her pregnancy is going well with little sickness. The only lingering problem are occasional contractions. She's a trooper as she juggles the kids, the business, and the pregnancy.
Ian and Katie are still the same happy rowdy kids. They have a great friendship and they make life enjoyable.

When did you start working for Homeland Security? Where can they send you for your first post? Do you like it?
What is the business that Shayla started?
Congrats on the pending graduation.
Glad you had a good time in Cali.
Phil, so many questions....
I'm not working for Homeland Security yet but the deal is done and I'm waiting for the call to assign me. Most likely won't be for a couple of months. I most likely will stay in Texas but farther north in one of the larger cities.
Shayla started a running business with a friend of hers. They train people to get in shape through running. When they first started to train me about a month ago, I couldn't make it one mile with out gassing out. I can now run four miles without stopping and I feel really good.
I'll call you sometime Dr.
Senor Mustachio, you're not very stealth. Our plans for greater economic security through transportation was to be on the DL.
I was hoping that someone would pick up on the "running" pun. You get a gold star.
That waxing episode was brutal. I bled from every hair follicle. The butterfly is a monarch with bright orange colors. It's precious.
Oh, and we saw Josh too. He was a little more feminine since the last time we saw him. It must be the estrogen pills he has been perscribed for the total transformation into a woman.
That's more like it. Thank you(said while doing a curtesy).
get that baby ticker off your blog and post some pictures!!!!!!
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